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Thursday, December 15, 2005

Social Effects of Cell Phones in Saudi Arabia

Reading the title, you might've thought "what! dude, this must be hilarious". It should be! sorry enough, though, this was a research paper I did in a class called "Social Nature of Technology". Between the intro and conclusion, I included many stories related to cell phones that Saudi society debated over... like "The Panda Rape", banning of camera cell phone, Nokia names, and intensive messaging during municipality elections. If you are interested enough to give these paragraphs a shot... plese give me feedback. I wrote in the intro:

Cell phones introduced social changes that have developed into unique forms in societies. In Saudi Arabia, cell phones have introduced many social changes most clearly seen in increased sense of individualism, cultural openness, and both social and political activism in a considerably short time. Examples of these developments present in this essay are traced from both personal experience and the Saudi press, including daily newspapers and TV stations.

Whereas the conclusion was:

New Communication technologies, especially cell phones and the internet, have led to cultural openness and debates on values in society including that in Saudi Arabia. The interaction between these two communication technologies will lead to further openness and far more activism which this society has not yet experienced; especially between young Saudis who comprise most of the nation. Cell phones capable of connecting to the internet will help spread the use of the internet in Saudi Arabia. It will also give the internet a personal touch. Many Arab thinkers advocate a culture based on higher degree of individualism, personal freedom and the ability to shape one's own ideas. They also advocate constructive criticism of the shared culture in society. It remains to be seen in the coming years whether new technologies including cell phones will help create a new culture with a personalized touch.

Have cell phones changed people around you in a way unique Saudi Arabia? If so, how?


  • Hey there, first time for me here so far nice blog. I just love your topic here, and I thought the internet was a greater factor for social cultural openness not nescessarily cell phones. And then I thought actually cellphones have changed some olds ways but not culture openness really. I'd love a copy of your paper if you don't mind, email it if possible. And tell us what you got on it gradewise. :)

    By Blogger Unknown, at 3:36 PM  

  • ًHey, welcome to my blog starlit_saudi. The internet has created more openness and done more change in Saudi Arabia more than any other technology, for sure! But my research was about mobile phones, and I had to focus on them. I reached a conclusion that cell phones are spreading more indidvidualism because they are very unique to the person who buys one... that's the personal touch I was talking about.

    I always promise myself to rewrite it in Arabic but haven't yet. When I do, i'll either post both or send them to you :)

    the professor said i did not use concrete sources, and gave me a B-
    like there were any researches on the topic :(

    thanks for your interest, and hope to see you again

    By Blogger full start, at 8:59 PM  

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