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Sunday, December 11, 2005

A Wish of a Brainless Non-Sleeper

There are two types of friends I enjoy having conversations with. First, friends who think all the time, even while eating, watching "Friends", or searching for gold or oil in their noses. Second, friends who keep their brains in the "cleaning kit", whenever they need to clean a sink or toilet, they don't have to look for a sponge.
Those are the friends and readers I wish to attract to my blog. All others are also more than welcome to read, comment, and direct me to their own writings... but none of them will get a Nobel Prize (at least not according to my criteria). Have you heard of that line separating a genius person from a crazy one? Only those who use that line as a jump-rope qualify for my Nobel Prize. If you think you qualify, drop me a line, or send me an application!

Does any of that make sense? I don't know. All I know is that I hate Hurricane Katrina. It continues to ruin my life every moment of every day. I've been on bed since 3:00 am. It is now 4:30. I think I'm still awake. I might've not been able to sleep cuz I haven’t made a wish yet.
If so, here is my wish: I would like to see one Saudi Muslim who thought Katrina is a punishment from Allah on Americans (or specifically G.W. Bush)... I'd like him/her to look me -or any other Katrina victim- in the eyes... till he/she cries, repeating "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it"

p.s. if you were insulted by any of my words, I'm sorry,,, I'm going back to sleep!


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